Cobb landscape with fossil light

About us

Lyme Regis Town Council is the most local level of government and an elected body responsible to the people we represent. We hold the General Power of Competence, which allows a local authority to do anything that individuals generally may do. It allows us to respond more effectively to the community's needs, deliver more efficient public services, and is intended to be the power of first, not last, resort.

Our aims and objectives are set out in our Corporate Plan, which is reviewed each year. The plan is a statement of intent: we are telling our electorate what we intend to do and when we propose to do it.

View the Corporate Plan 2024-29


Meet your local councillors


A comprehensive set of policies and procedures


Information on annual budgets, precept, annual returns and assets


Meet our staff and check here for job vacancies within the council

News and events

Find out the latest news, access our community noticeboard and see what events are taking place in Lyme Regis

Civic and ceremonial

Information about the civic party and the civic regalia