Grannys teeth Lyme Regis


Lyme Regis Town Council is different from the majority of other councils in the country because we make a surplus. We make a surplus because over 90% of our income comes from our assets, giving us financial strength and independence.

Our medium-term financial plan details our financial position over four years and runs alongside the life of our Corporate Plan. This approach allows us to properly consider our future income and expenditure and earmark funds for future projects.

Budget 2022/23

We have set our budget for 2022/23 - view the 2022/23 budget

view the 2021/22 budget

view the 2020/21 budget

View the 2019/20 budget

If you would like to see a more detailed budget breakdown or pre-2019 budgets, please contact us and we can provide this information.


We are partly funded through what is known as a precept, which forms a small part of a household’s overall council tax bill. Our strong financial position allowed us to hold the precept in Lyme Regis at the same level since 2010/11, with a small increase agreed for 2020/21 and no increase in 2021/22 or 2022/23.

In setting the 2022/23 budget, we have set the precept at £132,779.

Annual Return

Local councils in England with an annual turnover of £6.5 million or less must complete an Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) - more commonly known as an Annual Return - summarising their activities at the end of each financial year.

Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24

The unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for 2023/24 has been published and any interested person has the right to inspect the accounting records. Please see the documents below relating to the AGAR 2023/24.

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return - Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2024

AGAR Unaudited and Subject to Change Declaration 2023/24

Unaudited AGAR 2023/24

You can also view previous years' concluded audits:

View the 2022-23 AGAR

View the 2021-22 AGAR

View the 2020-21 AGAR

View the 2019-20 AGAR

View the 2018/19 AGAR

View the 2017/18 AGAR

If you would like to see documents from pre-2017/18, please contact us and we can provide this information. 


We review our land and assets annually and maintain a fixed asset register.

Items with a cost of £1,000 or more appear in the register and are generally held at cost, and only revalued as necessary.

View the fixed asset policy
View the 2021/22 fixed asset register

Local Government Transparency Code 

The Local Government Transparency Code requires requires town and parish councils which have a gross annual income or expenditure (whichever is higher) exceeding £200,000 to publish certain information to ensure local people can now see and access data covering; how money is spent, use of assets, decision making and issues important to local people.

We are currently working on a dedicated page on the website to make the relevant information available. In the meantime, please contact us and we will make the following information available:

  • Expenditure exceeding £500
  • Procurement information
  • Local authority land
  • Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations
  • Organisation chart
  • Parking account
  • Parking spaces
  • Senior salaries
  • Constitution
  • Pay multiple
  • Social housing asset value
  • Waste contracts