If you’ve wandered past Cobb Gate Car Park recently, you might have noticed the Millennium Clock was not shining as brightly as originally intended...
However, earlier this week an experienced engineer worked hard to make some much needed repairs.
After being out of action for a while, the clock’s lights have now been repaired and it’s illuminating this area of the seafront once more.
The clock itself was installed to mark the year 2000, and in memory of those who gave up their lives in defence of their country. It has been ticking along nicely over the years, is a bit of a local landmark down by the sea and is looked after by our team as part of our regular maintenance around the town.
But like anything exposed to salty sea air (and the occasional storm), it does take a bit of a battering in its location.
While the timekeeping part was fine, the internal lighting had given up the ghost some time ago. So, we brought in a specialist clock engineer to investigate — and it’s a good job we did. When the clock face was opened up, the engineer found several inches of sea water sloshing around inside!
With scaffolding in place, our town council staff were on hand throughout to make sure everything was safe while the engineer got stuck into the repairs. After draining the water, replacing components, and giving it a good once-over, the lights are now back in action — ready to shine a light for those who lost their lives, in commemoration for years to come.
It might be just a clock, but little jobs like this make a difference — keeping our town looking its best for residents and visitors alike. A big thanks to the team for getting it fixed and repaired.