07 August 2024

Are you interested in becoming a town councillor?

Are you interested in becoming a town councillor?

ARE you interested in serving the community as a town councillor?

Lyme Regis Town Council has a vacancy for one councillor, to be filled by co-option.

This comes following the resignation of Cllr Claire Prichard in July. 

Dorset Council did not receive the required 10 requests from Lyme Regis electors to fill the vacancy by election, so the town council must proceed to co-option.

If you are interested in being co-opted, please contact the town clerk by midday on Wednesday 28 August 2024.

Applications should include your contact details and a 250-word explanation of why you would like to be co-opted.

Your nomination must be proposed and seconded by a registered elector of Lyme Regis.

Councillors will decide the appointment by majority vote at a meeting of the Full Council on 4 September 2024.

For further information contact John Wright, town clerk, or Adrianne Mullins, support services manager.

Two information sessions for prospective candidates will be held on Thursday 15 and Thursday 22 August at 6pm in the council offices.

Please email enquiries@lymeregistowncouncil.gov.uk to confirm attendance.

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