29 October 2022

Drug crime in Dorset - Operation Viper

Drug crime in Dorset - Operation Viper

Dorset Police has released results for September illustrating its efforts to reduce and eliminate drug crime in Dorset. County lines sees drugs being brought into often rural communities by gangs operating from areas such as London, Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester. It sees criminals from urban areas come into counties like Dorset, often using young and vulnerable children to carry and sell drugs, while ‘cuckooing’ the home of those using drugs locally – effectively taking over their homes to act as temporary bases to sell drugs from.  

Operation Viper is an initiative which was launched in April and has a dedicated team of police using intelligence and enforcement to disrupt county lines and make the region a hostile place for those dealing drugs and bringing misery to communities.

View the full article here: https://www.dorset.police.uk/news/article/a077a2a6-9150-ed11-9bc7-005056019adf

To report suspected drug dealing in your community, please contact Dorset Police at www.dorset.police.uk/contact, via email 101@dorset.pnn.police.uk or by calling 101. If a crime is in progress, please dial 999. Alternatively, independent charity Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously online at Crimestoppers-uk.org or by calling Freephone 0800 555 111.

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