MY favourite television programme is the Repair Shop. If somebody’s made it, you can be assured that their team of highly skilled craftsmen and women will be able to mend it.
There’s a great deal of emotion attached to the programme which makes it even more interesting as treasured items belonging to much-missed family members are brought back to life. Often there’s not a dry eye in the Repair Shop when their efforts are finally revealed.
I grew up in an age when we never chucked anything away. If my dad could not mend it, he knew someone who could.
Today we all throw away vast amounts of stuff, some of which have almost nothing wrong and which could get a new lease of life after a simple repair. Doing so reduces the volume of raw materials and energy needed to make products, cutting CO2 emissions.
More and more people are waking up to this and that’s reflected in thousands of Repair Cafes which are springing up all over the country – including, I am delighted to say, Lyme Regis.
In a joint effort between the Town Council and the much-admired Boat Building Academy, the Lyme Regis Repair Café was officially opened last week and I was privileged to cut the ribbon before dozens of people filed in carrying irreplaceable items that no longer work.
The Mayoress joined in the spirit of the occasion by taking along our 30-year-old garden shears which have been rusting away in our greenhouse for a decade or more and she was delighted to return home with a garden implement looking like new.
The council were delighted to support this initiative by providing the funding to get the Repair Café up and running and I was able to thank those who have worked so hard in recent months to see it reach fruition. Hats off as well to those volunteers who offered their services and who were soon hard at it repairing a myriad of items.
There was a wonderful community atmosphere at the opening, one of the most enjoyable occasions I have attended since taking over as Mayor.
If you want to know more about the Lyme Regis Repair Café you can contact them by email –
There is one big issue in Lyme which the council struggles to deal with. And that’s how we can control the disposal of rubbish which litters our streets. We are not alone in this: most seaside resorts in the South West, if not all, face the same challenges.
We have more than 30 ugly black waste bins along the seafront, many of which are in poor condition. Most of them are owned by Dorset Council and are rented out to hospitality outlets along the seafront. Lyme Regis Town Council also own a number, and we must have at least 50 bins in all, around the town.
Many of them used to be stored out of site in Van Allen’s car park at the bottom of Broad Street but this is no longer used by Dorset Council and is now a glorified rubbish tip.
Former Lyme councillor Ken Gollop has highlighted the terrible state parts of the town are in and has presented the council with a list of the main grot-spots. He has also made numerous complaints to officers employed by Dorset Council but without much success.
Last week, accompanied by Cllr Michaela Ellis, chair of the Town Management Committee, and council officers, I was given a tour of the seafront area of the town and was appalled with what I saw. We all agreed that something has to be done if Lyme is to retain its reputation as one of the most beautiful holiday resorts in the South West. But what?
I’m all in favour in trying to shield the rubbish bins in some sort of slatted wood construction which I have seen in other resorts, but I don’t think we have a chance in Hell of getting Dorset Council, which is getting rid of hundreds of staff to balance the books, to do anything about it.
I was interested to read in Dorset Council’s latest newspaper in which new leader Nick Ireland said they had four main priorities: provide affordable and high quality housing, grow our community, communities for all and to respond to the climate and nature crisis.
All very worthy ambitions. But what worries me is Dorset’s inability to deal with their day-to-day responsibilities. Things like keeping the grass verges under control, keeping the public toilets in better condition. We have offered to take on these tasks and Nick Ireland is all in favour in devolving them to the parishes. But the heels of local government turn very slowly.
But I have success to report. The Bell Cliff steps down to the top of the Marine Parade are in a terrible state and I am amazed someone hasn’t fallen and sustained a serious injury. Dorset claim the steps are their responsibility but don’t have the budget to carry out the work. And they have agreed that we can take on the project and work will start soon.
One small step…
The last Meet The Mayor surgery in this term of office will take place in the Mayor’s Parlour on Saturday, April 18th, 10am to 12 noon. If you want to pop in for a chat book your spot with the Mayor’s Secretary, Anne-Marie Shepherd, on 01297 445175.
Photograph: Mayoress Jackie Evans was the first person to use the services of volunteers at the opening of the Lyme Regis Repairs Café.