A KEEN follower of council affairs has queried why I have not been wearing the full mayoral chains. He noticed at the Remembrance parade – one of the few occasions when the full civic regalia is worn - that I was displaying just the medallion. There is a simple answer.
They have been sent to Thomas Fattorini, purveyors of civic insignia since 1827, for the King’s insignia to be added to the chains at considerable cost, I might add. The work will take eight weeks and we are not expecting them back until the New Year.
The Lyme mayoral chains are much admired by all and sundry. I first wore them back in the early 1980s when I was invited to the Mansion House in London, official residence of the Lord Mayor of London who at the time was occupied by Dame Mary Donaldson, wife of Black Rod, the chap who bangs on the House of Lords’ door for the State Opening of Parliament.
When Dame Mary greeted me with a handshake she commented: “You don’t have to tell me anything about Lyme Regis Mr Mayor, I spent my honeymoon at Uplyme”, quickly followed by “My what a wonderful chain of office.” And indeed it was. More impressive and intricate than that worn by the Lord Mayor of London. How very Lyme Regis.
Visiting the Mansion House was part of a trip into London arranged by the late town crier Richard Fox who was organising the world championship at Lyme. We were also entertained on the terrace of the Houses of Parliament by the then West Dorset MP Jim Spicer and the town criers were also able to make a special cry at Buckingham Palace’s Privy Purse Door. A day not to be forgotten.
The Lyme chains were presented to the Borough of Lyme Regis by the Eyre family in commemoration of the reign of Queen Victoria on the occasion of the coronation of King Edward V11 on June 26 1902. The name of the Lyme mayors were inscribed on the back of each link but I’m afraid they ran out of space before I was elected as Mayor in 1984. I also missed out on having my photograph hung in the Mayor’ Parlour first time round, but I hope I can be put right at the end of my present term. It would be nice to think that my grandchildren might see it at some time.
There is also a chain of office for the Mayoress given in 1927 by the Mayor, Aldermen Reverend G.F. Eyre, which includes the town crest.

* The medallion which adorns Lyme’s myoral chains, presented to the Borough in 1902.
History was made in the Guildhall
A LITTE bit of history was made in the Guildhall last Friday and the Freedom of the Town was conferred on champion fundraiser Joshua Denning, aged 20, the West Country winner of the Pride In Britain young fundraiser of the year, promoted by ITV and the Daily Mirror.
I was privileged to present Joshua with a framed citation confirming that he was the youngest recipient of such an award before a public gallery packed family, friends and town councillors.
Such occasions don’t come round too often. In fact, the council has granted only two Freeman of the Town honours in the past 50 years – the late Stan Williams, former mayor and 60 years a councillor on the borough and town councils, and Phil Street, former town crier and twinning association stalwart. Phil was present at Joshua’s big night, as was Anita Williams, Stan’s daughter.
I am keen that the council should recognise those who go that extra mile in serving the town and no one has travelled more miles for Lyme than Joshua who since the age of nine has raised more than £50,000 for local charities. He’s one very special young man.

* History is made: Mayor Philip Evans MBE presents Joshua Denning with his Freeman of the Town citation in the Guildhall.
Please note: My next Meet The Mayor surgery will take place on Saturday, December 21st (10am to 12 noon). If you would like to pop in for a chat book a time with the Mayor’s Secretary, Anne-Marie Shepherd, on 01297 445175. I might even offer you a mince pie!