20 February 2025

Nominations invited for town councillor vacancy

Nominations invited for town councillor vacancy

NOMINATIONS are invited for the councillor vacancy on Lyme Regis Town Council.

Dorset Council has given notice of an election, with nominations to be received by 4pm on Friday 28 February.

This is the second notice of election given for this councillor vacancy, as no nominations were received on the previous occasion.

Nomination papers must be hand delivered to the returning officer, Dorset Council, Colliton Park, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1XJ between 9.30am and 4pm before the deadline.

Candidates must make an appointment to deliver nomination papers by contacting Electoral Services on 01305 838299 or elections@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk

Nomination papers can be obtained from the returning officer or can be downloaded from the Electoral Commission website.

If there are two or more candidates, a poll will take place on Thursday 27 March.

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